If you are a project manager, you will realize that setting up the right team is vital in project management success. After all, the team is what can make or break the project. Thus, to ensure that you are successful as a project manager, you need to choose and set up the right team. Creating a new team is not easy, and it’s important to remember the many aspects of setting up your group. It can take as little time or days depending on how much work needs to be done for you all to succeed!

If you are wondering how to set up the right team for your project, you need to do the following 4 things that will help your cause:

  1. Meet & Greet with the team

One of the most overlooked aspects when starting a new team is getting acquainted with your coworkers. At times it may seem like an overwhelming task. But you need to realize that, but it is essential for building trust and understanding how to work together and give them time! Ideas include doing activities where people can share about themselves or having lunch together to build rapport before diving into projects headfirst.

  1. Identify a Framework among your team

If you’re not sure what framework your team will be using, it is best to identify this beforehand. For example, if everyone on the project holds expertise in the scrum, they can quickly jump into it with no training required afterward! This way, there’s time set aside for learning how everything works, including roles within a sprint team and backlog management techniques (writing user stories).

  1. Discuss the different ways of working

Agreement on a plan of action is essential in keeping the team’s operation running smoothly. Team members need to agree, for example: What time are scrum ceremonies? How will decisions be made? Which tools do we use, and when should they go into production code without endangering our project deadlines or compromising quality standards set by management?”

  1. Knowledge Mapping

Identifying each team member’s skills is likely the most forgotten aspect of setting up a successful project. It’s crucial to identify missing competencies, track development and keep an eye out for new resources before they’re needed so that you can plan accordingly when it comes time training employees or transfer knowledge over from one person on the job-site crew who has been doing this type work longer than others may have at first glance.


To conclude, we can say that setting up the right team is often the main factor determining any project’s success. And as a successful project manager, you need to identify the ways you can do just that. We have mentioned here the 4 ways you can do just that. But as a project manager, you also need the right skills and qualifications to add credibility to your project manager career. When it comes to project management, the certification you need for your success is the PMP Certification. If you have not cleared the exam, you need to opt for the best PMP Exam Prep Course. Once you have the PMP Certification, you can build a lucrative Project Management career.