As an aspiring project manager, you will know that you have to work with your team. As a project manager, you may think about tasks, resources, deliverables, deadlines and risks. But you need to understand that it is people who deliver the projects. Thus, if you want to have project management success, you must keep your project management team highly motivated at all times. It is a tough job, no doubt. Below we list out some essential points that will help you achieve success:

Get to know your team.

When it comes to motivating people, one basic rule is – it is always easy to encourage someone to do something they want to do. Further, to begin with, you must realize that you must treat your team members well and make them feel important. Treating team members with respect, showing appreciation for their work and being an encourager will create a desire in them to also treat business stakeholders/customers well.Also, your urge to reciprocate loyalty is always a powerful motivator. It is what you need to utilize in the best way.

Convey to the team a compelling reason to do what you are asking them to do.

Not only you must make people feel important, but when you assign a job, you need to mention and emphasize the exact reason why you are asking them to do what you want them to do. Once they realize the importance of their job at hand, they will act. So, it is important that you communicate with them with clarity.

People want success.

One significant factor contributing to their de-motivation is not getting the success they are looking for. By nature, everyone wants to succeed. In line with this, you need to empower your team members with some degree of autonomy and control based on your assessment of their ability and readiness to accept the challenge. Empowerment motivates the team and is the secret to success.

Understand that people want to share their success.

Success without sharing is demotivating for many of us. We need to share our success with others, especially with team members/coworkers for work-related endeavors. So, it is important for the project manager to create an open conducive environment with free flow of communication. Further, success should be recognized publicly on an ongoing basis by rewarding the individual and/or the team.


To conclude, we hope that we can provide you with some vital tips to motivate your team and thus help achieve project management success.